Inductive Probe Setup


  1. Print Mounting bracket such as:
  2. If your probe support running on 5V. Connect it directly to Z-Min. Brown = +, Black = -, Blue = Signal
  3. Mount the probe a bit higher than the nozzle so it will not hit printer stuff but make sure it is still close enough to trigger.
  4. Use the heated bed directly with the print surface sticker. The probe will not trigger though the glass.


  1. Modify Marlin to use the probe. See my version here: (Notice: I have the eeprom enabled, you will need to clear it for your changes in the firmware take affect, M502 followed by M500)
  2. Test the probe works with M119 to see the z-min end stop status, you should see it change if you trigger the probe. Depending on if you have a NPN or PNP probe you may need to reverse the z-min endstop in the marlin configuration.