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anycubic_kossel_plus [2017/05/14 19:58]
anycubic_kossel_plus [2017/06/23 12:31]
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 ====== Anycubic Kossel Plus ====== ====== Anycubic Kossel Plus ======
-===== BL / 3D Touch Setup ===== +  * [[BL Touch]] 
-==== Hardware ==== +  ​* [[Inductive Probe]]
-  ​- Print bracket such as: http://​www.thingiverse.com/​thing:​2251115 +
-  - Connect White/Black wire to z-min-endstop (S = (signal - white), - = (minus - black)). Orientation doesn'​t matter +
-  - Connect Brown/​Red/​Orange wire to servo 0 port (S = Orange, + = Red, - = Brown) NOTE: on the Tri Gorila Board + and - are reversed.  +
-  - Powering on system should make LED light red and move the pin a few times 
-==== Software (Marlin) ==== 
-Using release from Anycubic: https://​drive.google.com/​drive/​u/​0/​folders/​0B8VIB533cgdMa1czMW5hNWlXYW8 
-Some of these may already be set. 
-<code Configuration.h>​ 
-#define MOTHERBOARD 43 // using 33 doesn'​t work 
-#define BLTOUCH // turn on probe 
-// these values strongly depend on your mount! 
-#define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 36.1     // X offset: -left  +right ​ [of the nozzle] 
-#define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -29   // Y offset: -front +behind [the nozzle] 
-#define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -3.6  // Z offset: -below +above ​ [the nozzle] 
-#define XY_PROBE_SPEED 6000 
-#define Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE ​  50 // Z Clearance for Deploy/Stow 
-#define Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES 10 // Z Clearance between probe points 
-// works better but still not ideal 
-#define SAFETY_MARGIN 5 
-==== Test the probe works ==== 
-Send G codes ''​M280 P0 S10''​ and ''​M280 P0 S90''​. Probe should extend on first command and retract on second. 
-==== Finding probe to hotend offset (Marlin) ==== 
-  - make a mark on the bed with a pen or sticker 
-  - Move the hotend to this exact location (use G codes, e.g. ''​G1X10Y-10Z10''​ moves the probe to X +10, Y -10 and Z +10) 
-  - Put a paper under the probe and move it until the paper sticks a bit. Use ''​G1Z5'',​ ''​G1Z4''​ et.c until you reach the paper 
-  - Reset all values to Zero: ''​G92 X0 Y0 Z0''​ 
-  - Move the hotend off the mark ''​G1Z10''​ 
-  - Now move the probe exactly over the mark using G codes like above 
-  - once you are exactly on the mark extend the probe with ''​M280 P0 S10''​ (if the probe doesnt move reset it with ''​M280 P0 S260''​) 
-  - start lowering the probe slowly using ''​G1Z9'',​ ''​G1Z8''​ etc. once you are close start adding decimals 
-  - when the probe activates note down the numbers on the LCD. 
-  - In my case I had ''​X-36.1 Y 29 Z 3.6'',​ now enter the offsets in Configuration.h (NOTE: X shows a negative, that means enter it possitve in Marlin, Y is entered as a negative. ) 
-==== Trigger Auto Leveling ==== 
-  - Enable logging to see what is going on ''​M111 S247''​ 
-  - Zero Z, using ''​G28''​ 
-  - Level Bed ''​G29''​ (use ''​G29 V4''​ to see more log info) 
-NOTICE: Doing a ''​G28''​ resets the autolevel values! I am still trying to figure out how to get Octoprint to not reset my auto level values before printing. 
-===== Live streaming to youtube ===== 
-  - compile ffmpeg with hardware encoder 
-<code bash> 
-cd /usr/src 
-git clone https://​git.ffmpeg.org/​ffmpeg.git 
-cd ffmpeg 
-./configure --enable-omx --enable-omx-rpi --enable-libfreetype 
-make install 
-<code bash> 
-while true ; do 
-ffmpeg \ 
--ar 44100 -ac 2 -f s16le -i /dev/zero \ 
--thread_queue_size 512 \ 
--i /dev/video0 -f flv \ 
--framerate 30 -video_size 720x404 \ 
--vcodec h264_omx -maxrate 768k -bufsize 8080k \ 
--vf drawtext="​fontfile=DejaVuSansMono.ttf:​textfile=status.txt:​fontsize=10:​fontcolor=white:​y=main_h-(text_h*1):​reload=1"​ \ 
-   sleep 5 
-<code bash> 
-DATA=$(curl -s --header "​X-Api-Key:​ *****" http://​localhost/​api/​printer) 
-DATA2=$(curl -s --header "​X-Api-Key:​ *****" http://​localhost/​api/​job) 
-TOOTEMP=$(echo $DATA | jq -r '​.temperature.tool0.actual'​) 
-BEDTEMP=$(echo $DATA | jq -r '​.temperature.bed.actual'​) 
-PROGRES=$(echo $DATA2 ​ | jq -r '​.progress.completion'​) 
-STATE=$(echo $DATA2 ​ | jq -r '​.state'​) 
-FINAME=$(echo $DATA2 ​ | jq -r '​.job.file.name'​) 
-PRROUND=$(echo "​$PROGRES/​1"​ | bc ) 
-printf " Tool: $TOOTEMP°C / Bed: $BEDTEMP°C\n State: $STATE, Progress: $PRROUND\n File: $FINAME\n"​ > status-temp.txt 
-cp -f status-temp.txt status.txt 