Enter menu and type \*\*#\*\*
Goes into <vendorConfig> tag
<daysDisplayNotActive>1,7</daysDisplayNotActive> <displayOnTime>09:00</displayOnTime> <displayOnDuration>08:00</displayOnDuration> <displayIdleTimeout>00:01</displayIdleTimeout>
Display will turn on at 9:00 am and turn off at 5:00 pm Mon-Fri. Outside this time frame the display will go to sleep afer 1 minute of no activity.
This does not seem to work with firmware SIP70.8-0-4SR3AS
Determine version and load from old to new
cmterm-7970_7971-sccp-6-0-3SR1 cmterm-7970-7971-sccp.7-0-3 cmterm-7970_7971-sccp.8-2-2SR1.cop.tar.gz
Prepare files
nat=no qualify=no (if missing can't receive calls)